Wizzard, a person who can do a trick to show a tremendous work done in very easy way.

A shopping cart that does the similar attempt is here.

you go to a market, take a cart because you know that you want to spend time
in the shop, looking around for things that you need, or may want, or you 
specifically want to have for now. It will help you carry the product. It will
be disposable, and not your owner-ship, and it will make you just do your task.
and you are gone.


Shopping basket has features, structural features such as name, or number, size, shape, colour, handle position, weight and wheels.

basket usage can be different.

inherent behavior which defines to be a primary usage. associated with the user

extended behavior


Class Basket

public int basketID;
public string name;


Class ShoppingExperience

Basket myBasket;
User  myIdentity;


Class Checkout_Behavior

User paythebill

User paythebillwhilereviseitoptions -- add the substitute science / discount the deals



***Shopping credit on buying items

*** dropping experinece, add to wish list, add when available, and let me know

Build the software MVP, minimum viable product

  1. shake hand
  2. view items
  3. click to view details
  4. click to add/remove to basket
  5. pay my bill